质量方针  Quality Policy
Satisfied customers owing to the good performance of our employees
We want satisfied customers. Therefore, high quality of our products and services is one of the top priorities of our company. This applies to all services our employees perform. 
The customer is our yardstick of quality
Our customers are our quality standard; they are the focus of our work and evaluate our performance.
“零错误” 或第一次就做对
"Zero defects" or do it right the first time
Our quality goal is always: No rework; “zero defects” or 100% correct.
Exact In the exact quantity and absolutely on-time high quality
With regard to our performance, our customers are equally concerned about
quality,quantity(amount), and adherence to delivery dates. Deliveries must arrive on time.
Each and every employee helps to create quality
Each employee of our company does his or her part to contribute to implementing our quality goals. It is therefore the job of each employee to perform acceptable work. Whoever recognizes a risk to quality or a reduction of work safety and cannot resolve this oneself is obliged to report this to his or her supervisor immediately.
Quality lowers costs
Each piece of work should be performed right from the beginning. That not only improves the quality of our products and services, but also reduces our costs. Quality safeguards our employment and increases the profitability of the company.
Detecting and fixing the causes of defects has priority
Not only the defects themselves, but the causes of the defects must be eliminated. Avoiding defects has a higher priority than merely correcting defects.
Good quality in purchased parts creates good quality in our own work
The quality of our products is also based on the quality of parts we receive from suppliers. We therefore demand the highest quality from our suppliers and support our vendors in their efforts to achieve mutual quality targets
Mistakes can happen, but not twice
Despite the highest diligence, defects and errors can occur on occasion. We can learn from these mistakes how to avoid them in the future. After the cause of a defect has been found and eliminated, the same defect is not permitted to be repeated under any circumstances.
Quality is created through the performance of our employees
Reaching our quality objectives is an important function of our management. During employee performance reviews, we pay special attention to the quality of their work.

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